hello everyone...
I started school today! It was my first day of my sophomore year in college! It's crazy! I can't believe I am 19 almost 20 years old!(in November :]) I had two classes today-english(boo) lol and human development 1. I am so excited about my human dev. class! I already met a great Christian girl that I am excited to get to know better! Tomorrow I have three classes! I have one class with tyler! It's crazy how that worked out but I am excited that we can study together! :)
This week and weekend is going to be busy! Class all week of course along with work. Thursday morning I hope I get to drop by sweet Laura Rose's 3rd birthday party before class!:) Then Thursday night is our first MT football game of the season! Friday night my family and I are going out to celebrate my mom's bday even though her bday is actually Saturday! ha Saturday is Abby and Justin's wedding!!!! YAY! And sometime in there I have to factor in some homework...ha
Even though sometimes I complain about being busy...I love it! I really hope that this semester that the Lord will use me to witness to people in my classes or on campus. Today during my first class the professor asked us to interview the person next to us so that we could introduce them to the class. We were supposed to ask general questions but one question was what is our favorite type of music. I said country and christian. The guy i was interviewing said i like all music except metal and christian! I am excited to see if the Lord is going to use me in this young mans life! Be praying about that please! Thanks! I hope everyone has a Blessed week! :)
i love christmas cards
14 years ago